Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day of Class

For two of my classes, I have six in World Civ (two engineers, a biologist, an English major, Psyc major, and an archeology major) and four in 19th century (two History majors, one English, and one Physics). What a treat. We meet in the "Drawing Room"

How's that for a cozy atmosphere, yet equipped with all the latest stuff.

For my third class, Origins, I have only two students and we meet in the Jesuit Conference Room. "How did the Jesuits get into it," I hear you cry. Well, they bought the place after WWII  before the University of Evansville was able to acquire it for their program in the early 70's

So far, no one has run screaming from the room, although yesterday I did thing one student was going to fall asleep. Ah, just like home!

1 comment:

  1. Really looking forward to reading about your time here! One of these days, I will make it across the pond! Enjoy, Gary!

    -Heider. :)
